

夜场滑雪是军都山滑雪场为滑雪爱好者提供的又一时尚运动项目,超大功率的专业照明系统,使夜场滑雪场笼罩在浓浓的金色氛围之中,同时BMW xDrive高级道练习区夜场亦同步开放,挑战京城夜场之美。忙碌的一天结束之后,约上三五好友知己,驾车40分钟左右就可以到达雪场,享受月光下滑雪的浪漫情怀。

Night skiing

Night skiing is one of the fashionable items for skiing lovers offered by Jundu Mountain Skiing Resort. At night, the whole night skiing resort is shrouded in a golden atmosphere, due to the professional ultra-powerful lighting system, and meanwhile, the BMW xDrive practice area of advanced ski run is also available at night. After a busy day, you can invite several good friends, drive for about 40 minutes to the skiing resort, and enjoy the romantic skiing in the moonlight.
Fee scale:
¥120/round (Including 5 hours' skiing );
¥20 for admission ticket



电 话:86-010-60725888

手 机:13011839088

邮 箱:jdssrmarketing@163.com

地 址:北京市昌平区崔村镇真顺村588号